๐Ÿ“ˆ PROOF: You donโ€™t need big budgets to win with ads!

I flipped on Instagram ads on November 26th.

I had a bit of a budget to start with.

It’s one thing I wish I started months ago.

So, I had a theory last week….

I tested it out on an old IG page (167 followers).

My theory didn’t work like I thought it would.

However, I spent time setting up a product, funnel, software and all the automations.

I didn’t want that time go to waste, so I pivoted.

I launched a $5/day ad on Monday. The 1st sale popped in today!

Mind you…

I’m not active on this IG page.

I posted a Reel on Saturday.

Turned 1 ad on Monday.

I haven’t posted on my Stories.

I’ve spent $20.76, so I’m not profitable, yet.

It’ll take some tweaking, and fine-tuning, but a sale on the 4th day is a GOOD sign.

I’m calling this my Case Study page.

I’m documenting the journey on IG (follow me here)

I want to prove my wicked ways work, even with a low budget.

There’s a plethora of myths when it comes to advertising.

I want to bust the “You need a lot of money to run ads” myth.

One last thing…

I hope you’re making offers.

People are looking to make a change with the New Year, and I can confirm PEOPLE ARE BUYING STUFF RIGHT NOW!

If you have nothing to sell…

Here’s essentially what I do:

  1. Find a problem YOU enjoy solving for a group of people YOU enjoy solving it for.
  2. Create a 20 – 40 page PDF (this will be your outline on how to solve the problem from step #1)
  3. Create 1 – 3 Instagram Reels per day talking about your audience’s problems, your plan to help, proof, perspectives and inject your personality into your content.

It might not be flashy or s3xy, but damn is it profitable!

I’m sitting at $573 in sales today (it’s 3:42 pm)

If you want to dive deeper into the 3 steps above…

โ€‹Grab the Rich King Bundleโ€‹

Everything you need to start earning $100/day selling PDFs.

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help.


In your corner,

P.S. We’re taking the kids bowling tonight.

Oddly enough, since quitting drinking, I’m a much better bowler. When I used to bowl and drink, I used to call the alcohol my “aiming juice”

It was the exact opposite of aiming juice ๐Ÿ˜œ

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Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet