60 Second Business Plan V2

60 Second Business Plan

If you want to build a wildly profitable online business working as little as 50
minutes per day…but not sure where to start, what to do, or who to trust…these 442 words will change that — FAST! 

For any business — online OR offline — all you have to do is answer these three shockingly simple questions, in just one sentence:

Who is your marketWhat are you going to selling them?How are you going to communicate with them?

Don’t be fooled by the simplicity. This same framework applies to EVERY
business in the world. Don’t think yours is any different. 

Here’s Domino’s pizza in the 60 Second Business Plan format:

Who: Typically a 3 – 10 mile radius around the each location.What are you going to selling them?How are you going to communicate with them?

Nail down those three questions, and you’re ahead of 96% of your competition. 

Your next order of business? 

Build an email list and email that list offers (a
product, service or software). These offers can be your own OR another
company’s (this is called Affiliate Marketing). 

Affiliate Marketing is the quickest way to get started. 

For step-by-step Affiliate
Marketing training, take the 15 day challenge below (it’s only $7). 

It will save you an enormous amount of time, money, frustration, stress, anxiety,
shame, guilt and embarrassment. 

>>> I’m Ready to Take the Challenge <<<

Here are a few examples showcasing the 60 Second Business Plan; 

“I want to sell overworked Dads a low-priced membership site that shows them how to start an online business and reach them with a YouTube channel” 

“I want to sell to divorced men an online course on how to score more dates, and
reach them with a Facebook/Instagram ads” 

“I want to sell to new Moms an ebook on how they can get back to their
‘pre-pregnancy’ weight without diets, and reach them with a blog and podcast” 

“I want to sell a course to college students on how to buy high-end shoes at a
discount and resell online for a profit,and reach them on Instagram & Tik Tok” 

Don’t make it harder than it needs to be. 

People WAY overcomplicate this whole
make money online thing. 

I foolishly did it for years. 

Learn from my mistakes. 

It really is that simple. 

It’s simple, not easy. 

If you want to accelerate your progress, take the 15 day business builder challenge by clicking the link below;

>>> I’m Ready to Take the Challenge <<<

If you have questions, reach out anytime. I’m here to help. 

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet