7 Ways to Handle Male Depression

Struggling with life?

Down in the dumps?

Has life handed you a shit sandwich, or several?

You’re not alone.

Last month, a fellow Dad reached out to me needing some guidance.

He had fallen on tough times — Divorce, closing a business and losing $500k.

I emailed him back a lengthy reply.

I knew I had to turn my reply into an answer into a YouTube video.

Life ain’t easy.

Us men are so damn prideful and filled with ego.

Many struggle with dealing with life’s struggles.

I’ve struggled with depression, low confidence and lack of self-worth. I never contemplated suicide or anything, but I dreaded life for a long time.

Jack Daniels was my best friend for years.

That all seems like a lifetime ago.

What I reveal in the video has helped tremendously.

I’m a completely different person nowadays.

Not to say it’s all sunshine & rainbows in my life.

But it’s drastically improved because of what I intentionally practice.

Most of the methods cost ZERO dollars.

Some only takes minutes per day.

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