$80k a month posting on Instagram

She consistently earned $80,000 – $100,000 selling very affordable trainings.

A couple years ago, my buddy Conrad told me about this lady he found on Instagram.

She had built quite a following on IG (a few hundred thousand followers)

I jumped on her email list, and appreciated her style.

She kept things very simple.

She had fun with it.

She was very transparent with her numbers.

She sold ebooks, masterclasses and video recordings.

All her trainings seemed to be something you could consume in 60 minutes or less (a big lesson there)

Everything was priced for under $100.

Proving that you don’t need to sell high ticket to build a very nice online business.

Over the years, I bought a number of her products.

I always learned something from her.

Last spring, I joined her membership site, which included a very active Facebook group.

She didn’t just have customers, she had raving fans (another valuable lesson)

Last August, Conrad texted me she passed away.

I was shocked.

She was in her mid 30s, and believe was battling cancer.

I checked in the FB group, and it was true. She had passed away.

The outpouring of love in the group was something to see.

She built her business around herself, her personal brand.

Her family members have since taken over her IG account, email list and FB group.

It’s nothing like it once was, and no fault of theirs, of course. They’re just not her.

I imagine revenue has dropped significantly. However, still probably pulling in 5 figures every month because of the size/caliber of her audience.

That event was eye opening to me.

What would happen if I were to pass away?

Do I have a business my family could take over?

Would they want to take it over? 

Not fun questions to ponder.

But that got me thinking.

Now, I am not knocking a personal brand.

Not at all.

There are a plethora of benefits to having one.

There is not a right/wrong way to do it, I’m just sharing my thoughts on it.

In tomorrow’s email, I am going to reveal advice I gave an entrepreneur friend of mine several months ago.

Looking back, it was advice I should have took myself.

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