A laughably simple way to become a “household name” in your niche

Last week a fellow Dad invited me on his podcast.

His website is: https://www.freelancingdads.com/

Chad, the owner, empowers and educates Dads to build a career freelancing from home.

Yesterday, we did the interview (should be published late next week).

I was reminded how fun podcast episodes are.

And one of the BEST ways to get traffic/attention/awareness/leads/sales.

It’s beyond me why others don’t take advantage of this, myself included.

It has the “Oprah Effect” on a much smaller scale, of course.

What I mean is this…

Years ago, Dr. Phil — a nobody at the time — went on Oprah.

He became an overnight celebrity.

I don’t think he’s even a doctor, although I have no idea.

This is what happens when you become a guest on someone else’s podcast.

The host is lending their credibility to you.

In a way, they are saying I trust this person, and you should, too. 

Depending on the show, this person could have spent months/years & blood, sweat and tears building up this audience.

And you can leverage that to your advantage in a big way.

As a content creator, I’m always looking for ideas for content.

A lot of podcast hosts (not the well established ones) are thirsty for content/possibly guests.

Reach out to a few podcast hosts in your industry and introduce yourself.

Share some of your story and let them know you feel you’d offer value to their audience.

The more specific with the value, the better.

One of the benefits of being a content creator is hosts will seek you out.

This doesn’t happen to me as often as I’d like, but always jump on the opportunity.

Reach out to 3 – 5 hosts per week.

You should be able to book a show or two a week.

After 3 – 6 months of this, you’ll be a “household name” within your niche.

This is FREE to do.

It does not involve being chained to social media all day/night.

It’s such a simple way to generate a truckload of business.

Why more people don’t do it is beyond me.

Impact Over Income,

P.S. Speaking of podcasts…here is a recent episode I recorded for the Dadpreneur Freedom Podcast: How to Build a Wildly Profitable Online Business Working 50 Minutes per Day

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