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My Crazy, Unprecedented “I’ll-Be-Your First-Customer” Guarantee!
To motivate you to take massive action, I’ll do something that very few people would do…
I’ll personally BUY a copy of your ebook if you write it and publish it in 48 hours!
Here’s What You’re Getting:
A proven step-by-step process that will enable you to to write, publish and start marketing your profitable ebook in 48 hours or less – even if you have no experience!Why you don’t need to be a world-class writer to write an ebook that sells over and over again (In fact, this will work for you even if you consider yourself a “terrible writer”.)How to get started in 48 hours WITHOUT any upfront money If you think that publishing an ebook is costly and expensive, well, forget about that idea. You can go all-in with $0 (I’ll show you several cool FREE resources.)A solid blueprint from A to Z… Nothing is left out! — I’ll take you by the hand and show you exactly what you need to do… No guesswork or “trial and error.”Bonus #1: Accomplish Anything (valued at $47, Yours FREE) – This training will come in handy if you’re unorganized, unfocused, or a serial procrastinator.. You’ll become a laser-focused, unstoppable producer! Bonus #2: Dream Lifestyle Training (valued at $37, Yours FREE) – When you become a Dadpreneur, you have to determine what your lifestyle is going to look like, and do what’s necessary to get there. This hands-on, step-by-step training will accomplish just that!
“His easy to read and follow guide provided me with just the right amount of information and details to hit the ground running. In less than 8 ½ hours, I had read his book, identified my subject, written my eBook, created my cover, and published online to begin selling. I highly recommend Adam’s book for any newbie wanting to publish their first eBook”
Michael W.
“Thanks to his instruction I was able to write and publish my first ebook! The process was clear and steps well laid out. Thanks to the resources he recommended, I was able to sell 7 copies my first day! No doubts I’ll be writing another ebook in the near future”
Rob S.
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