
Do Facebook Ads Work?| [PROOF] 71 Facebook Advertising Case Studies

This is a question I have heard 4,201,148 times over the years.

Give or take.

I have had other entrepreneurs, small business owners, marketers and non business-minded people as me this question.

It’s a commonly asked question on Quora.

It’s a question that gets asked 720 times per month on YouTube:


A couple weeks back, I decided this was a question I wanted to tackle head on and share my thoughts on it.

Instead of just talking about it, I wanted to share some actual data, with proof, that Facebook advertising can be a extremely effective and quite profitable too.

Before I share the video, here are three tips to keep in mind when advertising on Facebook:

  1. Be patient. Too many business owners and/or entrepreneurs think it’s a “magic button” that is goign to spit out leads (or sales) immediately. That’s not how it works, otherwise everyone would be using it. Like with any type of advertising, it takes time and testing.
  2. Do NOT get discouraged. You will fail. I got started advertising on Facebook in the fall of 2012, and I would guesstimate that 75% of my ads STILL fail. It’s the nature of the beast and EVERY advertiser fails more time than they succeed. The good ones, at least.
  3. Go all in. A common question is what budget should I start with? My answer is always as much as you can afford to lose. This is an opportunity that is not going to be around forever, so my advice is to take advantage of it while it’s still cheap. Yes, costs have risen over the years, as to be expected with more competition. However, that does not mean that advertising on Facebook is one of the best investments you can make online. 

If you missed it, I recorded a FREE 33 minute training walking you through step-by-step on How to Create a Facebook Ad.

So if you’re curious to if Facebook advertising works, I suggest you check out the video below:

As always, if you have questions, please post them in the comments below.

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