I did you wrong

This was…eye-opening.

Although, I’m not terribly surprised either.

I’ve had over a dozen conversations with fellow Dads this week.

Some via phone calls.

Some via Facebook Messenger.

A lot of these Dads are just getting started in this wild online world.

And they’re beyond frustrated on where to start.

And it’s not their fault…

They’ve been mislead.

And I admit, I’m partially to blame for that.

Most of them are focused on the WRONG shit.

Cart. Horse.

Horse. Cart.

Let me make it 3rd grade level simple for you.

Here’s how to build a business…

  1. Find a market (ideally, one with a painful, pressing problem)
  2. Have conversations with these people
  3. Craft a Godfather Offer – An offer they simply cannot refuse (this is your solution to their problem)
  4. Sell your offer to these people (you have a moral obligation to do this)
  5. A funnel
  6. A website
  7. A logo

I wouldn’t recommend a funnel until you’re generating several thousands dollars a month.

I’m not saying they’re not important.

When starting out, it’s not the best use of your time.

And I should have made this more clear for the beginner, hence why I said, I did you wrong

The above 4 steps are the straight line to a six-figure business (and the ONLY things you should be focused on).

They may not be se-xy.

They may not be flashy.

However, they will put more of that green stuff in your piggybanks.

Giving you the freedom to take your kids to the zoo on a Tuesday afternoon without having to ask for the day off.

Or attending your kids school field trips (a favorite of mine)

For more of these insights, and training to help you build a simple business that’s easy and fun to run, join our Dadpreneur Freedom group at the link below;


Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet