I left the gym in tears

Last week, I left the gym with my head held low.

Tears flowing down my face on the drive home.

I got my ass kicked!

How Jiu Jitsu works is you roll with your opponent for six minutes.

I faced off against three fellow white belts.

The first guy, outweighs me by 70ish lbs, he beat me.

I tapped out to the second guy, a Las Vegas police officer.

The third guy, tapped me out 4 or 5 times in our six minute session.

It was demoralizing.

For a bit, I considered taking a couple months off.

That thought quickly escaped me.

I realized that this is part of the process.

This applies to life/busienss.

When you start something, you’re going to suck.

No matter what it is.

I have published 471 YouTube videos on my main channel.

The first 100 or so were horrendous.

I have published 1,000+ blog posts over the last decade.

Looking back at those early posts, are absolutely cringe-worthy.

However, I got better with time (and a truckload of practice).

I have sent out hundreds of emails over the years.

Not all of them make sales.

In fact, most of them don’t make sales.

Yet, I continue sending out these emails.

This applies to anything — Twitter, Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram, a podcast, etc.

You get better with time/practice.

Focus on getting better 1% each day.

In a year’s time, this is an improvement of 3778%!

“Repetition is the mother of skill”

A favorite Tony Robbins quote of mine.

If you’re looking to publish your first (or next) ebook, I got something for you.

If this is your first ebook, not to worry….as I GUARANTEE you’ll make a sale!

That’s right, I will be your FIRST customer, if you write & publish your ebook within 48 hours.

You don’t have to stress about ZERO sales.

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Always rooting for you 🤜

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