My $7,800 mistake

I should have known better.

This is somewhat embarrassing to admit, but will help save you time/money/stress/anxiety/frustration/guilt/shame.

Adam here…

Last September, I stumbled across a fellow entrepreneur on Facebook.

I had never heard of him before.

He was in his early 20s, and was quite successful.

He’s a business coach, who’s mastered organic reach on Facebook — to the tune of $500,000+ per month.

I figured this is a young man I can learn from, so I reached out to him in October.

We had a 30-minute chat via DM on a Friday night.

I scheduled a call with his team that following week.

It was a sizeable investment ($7,800), and I wanted to weigh my options as there were a few other coaches I was interested in working with.

Fast-forward to early November, I pulled the trigger.

I selected the three pay, so I paid $2,600 upfront.

It started off great.

The first couple days, at least.

There were some minor red flags, but I brushed them off.

Short story long:

He didn’t deliver on what was promised/sold.

His program offered accountability, and that’s what I was really investing in.

However, they massively failed on delivering that.

Communication between support and my accountability “coach” was abysmal. Waiting 2-3 weekdays for a response.

I brought up these issues with the guy I invested in (the guru), and he ignored my messages.

He promises to personally work with you, and he’s nowhere to be found once in the program.

Once I made the investment, it was like I didn’t exist.

Before I made the investment, (when I was a lead) he often times replied to my messages in minutes.

I reached out to nearly a dozen students (current and past) and they all shared similar horror stories.

I shared my story on Reddit, and plenty of others chimed in with their $0.02 on how they were treated.

In a weird way, knowing others were treated the same made me feel a bit better. Not that I like hearing others going through pain/suffering, but I knew I wasn’t alone.

It’s only a matter of time until this kid’s empire comes toppling over.

Karma is undefeated.

Truth be told, it fucked we up.

The rest of November, and a good portion of December, I was pissed off.


Let down.

Lost, confused, and angry.

Not really at him, more at myself.

I’ve been in this industry for a long time, and should have done my due diligence.

I should have seen through this guy’s “Man of God” bullshit he spews all over social media.

I ended up finding another coach in late November, and invested with him.

What a stark difference between the two.

My current coach gives a shit.

We have one-on-one calls that often times go over our allotted time.

He’s there for me, pushes me, and calls me out on my bullshit.

He holds me accountable, and helps me set big goals.

He’s given my clarity, confidence and an unshakable belief in myself.

He’s went above and beyond and has helped me with some personal shit I’m dealing with.

A lot of these bigger coaches with these eye boggling numbers are, in my opinion, scaling too fast.

Scaling is cool. It’s sexy, it’s what everyone wants.

However, most don’t have the infrastructure in place to handle the influx of clients they’re bringing in.

Often times people “fall through the cracks”.

Likely not done on purpose, they just have too many people to service.

For example, my original “coach” had 800+ students and two accountability coaches to service all these clients.

I didn’t know that when I joined his program.

A painful lesson learned.

And hopefully you can learn from my costly mistake.

With ALL that being said, my new coaching program has myself and my accountability coach, Dale.

This is a brand-new offer, and only accepting a small handful of people, so we don’t run into the issues I listed above.

I want to help you build a Legacy Business — a business that you’re insanely proud of.

A business that makes an impact on lives.

A business that’s designed to put your family first.

One that doesn’t require a big team, working 8 days/week, or hustling your face off on social media.

I want to personally show you my “unconventional approach” to turning your expertise into $500 – $5,000 sales.

===> Get the details here

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