Quit looking for shortcuts

It happened again.

Last night, I was going on a date (dinner).

It was about 8:30, so kind of late for dinner.

One of the roads by the house is under constant construction.

Even at 8:30, on a Wednesday night, we hit traffic as the three lanes merge to one lane.

To get to the freeway, I typically take a side street to avoid the construction.

It’s a street right by Ava’s school, so I travel it often (we drive the kids to school).

I cut in the right lane (blocked off my cones) to make a right turn on the side street.

They’re in the process of adding a new lane, and right now that new lane is just dirt. It’s probably a 6-8 inch height difference from the road.

I didn’t see that and the front right tire went off the road.

Blew the tire out.

“MOTHERFUCKER!!” was screamed a couple of times.

I pulled in the 7-11 right on the corner.

I took out the spare tire at 8:28.

At 8:40, I put the flat tire back in the trunk.

Anytime I get a flat, I ALWAYS time myself.

12 minutes is my new record.

Last time, I believe it was 17 minutes.

I am extremely competitive, obviously.

The spare was flat, so I filled it up right there at 7-11.

We hopped back in the car and got dinner at a closer place.

A much more casual place.

I was quite upset when it first happened, but quickly got over that. Continuing to be upset after the fact is a waste of energy.

There was nothing I could do about what had happened.

When shit hits the fan, I like to ask the big Man upstairs, “What are you trying to teach me?”

It didn’t take long to uncover the answer.

It was this:

Slow down.

I was in such a rush to get to dinner as it was already late.

I was looking for a shortcut to save maybe 2 or 3 minutes.

There are other areas in my life where I need to enjoy the process as well.

To not try and rush things as much.

So next time things don’t go your way, or something unexpected happens, or you’re a dumbass like me and blow out a tire.

Stop and relax.

Ask yourself;

What can I learn from this?

What is this circumstance trying to teach me?

Is there a silver lining to this, if so, what is it? 

This is a mindset hack that I developed several years ago.

It’s served me well.

Hopefully, it can do the same for you.

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