Shocked I wasn’t escorted off the property (this is embarrassing)

I looked like a bumbling drunk swinging a club.

When the kids are away (school).

Mom and Dad play (Top Golf).

Yesterday, while the kids were in school, Amanda and I snuck in a round at Top Golf.

It’s been four years since I’ve swung a golf club.

Yesterday, it was painfully obvious.

Surprised, the staff at Top Golf didn’t escort me off the property.

I inched out a victory in our first game.

Amanda destroyed me in game #2 (and she was wearing Uggs!).

A lesson I learn every time I swing a golf club is this;

When you slow down and take your time…

You hit the ball better, further, and it tends to go straight.

When you’re in a rush, things get ugly.

This applies to hitting golf balls, relationships, parenting, business, fitness, learning any skill and just about every other area in life.

Slow down.

Put in the reps.

Enjoy the moment.

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