Over the last several weeks, I’ve got more active on Twitter.
It has to be the best networking tool on the internet.
It’s also filled with inspiration.
One guy I follow is a 21-year old single Dad.
He has TWO six figure eCommerce brands.
Earns six figures selling informational products.
A lot of the entrepreneurs on Twitter are different.
They keep things INSANELY SIMPLE.
Another guy I follow earns $100,000+ each and every month selling low priced products.
He sells ebooks/video recordings.
All priced under $50.
He doesn’t build his list like all marketers scream from the mountaintops, myself included.
He doesn’t use any fancy funnel building tools.
All the tools he uses, from what I can see, are F-R-E-E.
He’s earned over a million dollars selling low priced informational products.
He’s doing it his way (queue Frank Sinatra)
Could he earn more money with a funnel and higher priced products (courses coaching, masterminds, etc)?
Without a doubt he could likely double or triple what he’s currently doing.
However, that adds more moving pieces.
More moving pieces = COMPLEXITY.
There are a million and one ways to do business online.
There is no right way or best way.
Don’t ever listen to some greedy guru who claims this is the best or the only way to do things.
Color outside the lines.
You do what works for you.