This Holding You Back?

I’ve got the data…

So I know this is like a large brick wall standing in the middle of the highway to success and preventing you to build the life you dream of.

Adam here…

I’ve surveyed 31 Dadpreneurs since December 1st.

One of the biggest fears these men face….

Imposter syndrome. 

It’s a motherfucker, isn’t it?

At times, I struggle with it as well.

I’ve made improvements, but man, it rears its ugly head at the worst times, doesn’t it?

Last fall, a big Facebook organic coach reached out to me.

He was trying to get me on a sales call.

At the time, I had just invested in another guy’s program.

He wished me well, and we got to chatting.

I suggested a few tweaks to his offer, that I felt would increase conversions.

He was doing $500k per month, so it was already working well for him.

However, there was room for improvement.

He implemented my suggestions, and had a six figure day.

Now, I am not claiming I was the reason for that. Not at all.

He was running a promotion (with this updated offer) at the time of the six figure day.

My suggestions likely boosted conversions a bit.

How much?

Who knows.

I also suggested him to email more often, as he was sitting on a gold mine the size of Fort Knox.

Earlier this week, he reached out, letting me know he’s been emailing 3x a week since we last chatted.

He’s made a few additional sales (from email), but knows he can do better.

Today, he sent me this message;

And the answer to overcoming imposter syndrome is in my response to him;

A lot of shitty writing for years. 

And that’s the honest truth.

I have 500+ videos on YouTube, the first 50-75 were absolute dogshit.

1,200+ Tik Toks and the first several were fingernails scratching on a chalk board cringe-worthy.

You get better with practice.

You get better with the more reps you put in.

This applies to every aspect of your life.

When you do this, you get better at managing imposter syndrome.

The guy above wants me to write emails for him.

He’s about to flip the Facebook ads switch to the tune of $1,000/day, and knows he needs his emails to help him get a positive return on his investment.

Another lesson:

This guy isn’t on my email list.

He reads my Facebook posts.

Enjoys what he reads.

Now he wants me to write his emails.

You never know who’s reading, listening or watching.

None of that happens if you don’t put yourself out there.

None of that happens if you don’t S-T-A-R-T.

None of that happens if you don’t kick your imposter syndrome in the face, and unleash your inner badass to the world.

The internet is waiting.

People NEED what you have.

Some are in dire pain.

Some are desperately seeking a solution.

You have that solution for someone, I promise you that.

If you need help unleashing that inner badass of yours….

Click the link below;

I’ll shoot you over the details of the coaching program, Dadpreneur Accelerator.

We start in a few weeks.

Dale is ready to hold your feet to the fire as your accountability coach.

I’m ready to show you the roadmap, and be your sounding board.

More importantly, we’re both ready to help you turn your expertise into $500 – $5,000+ sales.

This program is designed to massively help you level up in ALL these areas: Mind, Health, Relationships & Wealth (business).

This ain’t just a business coaching program.

This is a program designed to make you the badass Dad you know you’re meant to be.

We’re all in this together.

This is a team effort.


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Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet