Tom Brady, Lebron James and Denzel Washington haven’t found this place…

One of the things I want to improve this year is to practice gratitude more consistently.

Last Friday, I went to Amazon to buy a gratitude journal.

I looked at several of them – journals for women, men and kids.

However, I did not see one for Dads specifically.

Then I had the thought…why not create my own?

So, that is exactly what I did.

The 2021 Daily Gratitude Journal for DadsThe Gratitude Journal that Empowers Men to Live the Life They Deserve in Just Minutes a Day

was born

The cover design will be ready Friday.

The journal will be live on Amazon Monday.

I’ve never published a journal.

I have published a book on Amazon, and figured publishing a journal was similar.

I figured it out.

The lesson here is this:

And this was something I learned from a fellow entrepreneur, Mario Brown, back in 2012ish.

Take fast imperfect action. 

It ain’t gonna be perfect.

It never will be.

Stop chasing perfection as that’s a mythical place that not even Tom Brady, Lebron James or Denzel Washington have ever found.

We’re all just one Google/YouTube search away from solving just about any problem we face.

I leveraged both those sites to learn how to publish a journal. I’m learning as I go.

So if you have an idea for something, put it out there.

The first version is going to be the WORST version.

And that’s ok.

You’ll improve it over time.

Just take action.

My 300 Extra book is a book with step-by-ste instructions on how you can turn your knowledge, experience and a skillset into dollars in your bank account.

With a Make Money Guarantee; it forces you to take fast imperfect action. 

You can get started today for less than the price of a pepperoni pizza.

Take action right now by clicking the link;

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet