Why You Should Model Tesla When Creating Digital Products

It was August 2020.

I was on a Tik Tok livestream.

And someone commented;

You should create an ebook on how to make money selling ebooks

I thought it was a joke. 

More people chimed in, and said, “I’d buy it!”

This started a discussion around the topics of ebooks.

These people were asking all types of questions.

I like to think I’m a man of the people, so about a week later I published 300 Extra, which is now the 48 Hour Ebook Challenge.

However, I felt like a used car salesman selling an ebook on how to make money selling ebooks.

So I needed to come up with something unique…

Hence, where I got the “when you write & publish your ebook in 48 hours, I’ll be your FIRST customer” guarantee.

This allowed me to sleep better at night, as I didn’t feel like a Greedy Guru.

The angle with 300 Extra was to help people earn “$300 extra” each & every month selling ebooks.

I wanted to go “against the grain”of make a bajillion dollars, sit on the beach and enjoy passive income.

This was a product I promoted for the rest of 2020, then got Shiney Object Syndrome.

On June 22, 2022, I blew the “digital dust” off the product, and re-launched it with a new name, the 48 Hour Ebook Challenge.

The “300 Extra” angle worked, however, it was a “clever” name, and I wanted something crystal clear.

In this process, I discovered that clear is better than clever.

I sold 300 Extra for $7.

It was just an ebook.

No sales page.

No order bumps or upsells.

It didn’t have the bonuses that are included now: 127 Evergreen Niche Idea List, Order Form Template, Outsource Guide or the eBook Checklist.

It was bare bones.

I now charge $17 for the 48 Hour Ebook Challenge, as I have a handful of successful people who’ve completed the challenge.

I added an order bump (that converts around 60%).

The other day I added an upsell, with another one planned in the coming days.

The average order value right now is: $28.00.

With these additional upsells, the average order value should increase to $38 – $42, per my conservative projections.

So my little $7 ebook has morphed into a digital product that brings in $28 per sale (with the goal of it getting to $38 – $42 soon).

Your ebook is the starting point.

You build from the ebook based off customer feedback (not theory).

It’s like a seed.

You continue watering and nurturing it, and it continues to grow.

You could turn your ebook into a high ticket coaching program.

Or a membership website.

Or a full on course.

Or a suite of more offers.

It’s completely up to you.

This is a process, and it takes time (which everyone is terrified of as they’re trying to build a million dollar business on the first day).

It’s not se-xy.

Nor flashy.

Nor the latest, greatest fad on the internet.

It will NOT take you two years, like it did me. I made every mistake in the book (so you don’t have to). 

It’s building a product with the goal of improving the quality of the product over time.

Very similar to what Apple does with the iPhone.

Or Tesla does with their fleet of cars.

Or Dominoes does with their pizzas.

This is my philosophy when it comes to creating simple, low stress digital products.

If you want to get paid to write your ebook, click the link below;

Take the 48 Hour Challenge today

I basically laid out steps 2 – 10 for you above.

The first step is writing and publishing your ebook.

Start getting some customers.

Build from there (based off CUSTOMER feedback).

When you’re ready, hop on over to the link below;



When you’re ready, here are a few ways I can help you….

  1. Get Paid to Write Your Ebook – Take the 48 Hour Ebook Challenge
  2. Get 6,422 Pieces of Social Media Content to grow your audience, boost your bank account, and get recognized as the #1 leader in your niche! – Grab the Mega Social Media Content Bundle
  3. Launch Your Funnel TODAY! Everything you need to get your sales funnel LIVE by the time your head hits the pillow tonight! Grab the Dadpreneur Funnel Bundle

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Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet