I was disgusted with myself.
The scale read 189.0 lbs on May 3rd
I knew I had to make a change.
My buddy Conrad tipped me off on a weight loss challenge he joined.
I didn’t join the challenge, but his text was the spark I needed.
The scale read 178.6 this morning.
A loss of 10.4 lbs in 6.5 weeks.
You might be shocked at how simple this was.
Here’s the thing…
I didn’t give up my favorite foods.
Last weekend, my parents and I dined at BJ’s Restaurant (the finest restaurant in all the land), and I enjoyed a bacon cheeseburger with fries.
And I helped my Dad finish his fries, too
I didn’t turn down my Mom’s strawberry shortcake with ice cream when she offered it a few weeks back. In fact, I believe I had two helpings.
I’ve snacked on more chocolate chip cookies than I can count.
I enjoyed way too much pizza for Father’s Day.
And I didn’t turn down Mom’s Strawberry shortcake with ice cream for dessert last night.
And I’ve probably woofed down half a dozen California burritos (not at once) from my favorite taco shop in Vegas, Roberto’s.
You might be thinking…How?!?
No, I didn’t cut off a limb.
You might be upset when I tell you how simple it really is.
I used an app called FatSecret and tracked my calories.
My goal weight is 175 lbs.
I took my goal weight and multiplied it by 12 = 2,100 calories (this is what I’m allowed per day).
I took my goal weight (175 lbs) and multiplied it by 0.6 = 105g of protein a day.
I need to stay UNDER 2,100 calories per day (to be in a calorie deficit).
I need at LEAST 105 grams of protein per day (to not lose muscle).
(I got these calculations from a fitness pro on the Tik Toks)
I don’t eat breakfast, so this isn’t really that difficult to do.
I lift weights 3x per week.
I try and walk 30 minutes/day outside.
It’s been 110+ here in Vegas, so have not been that consistent with it lately.
Tracking your calories might seem as exciting as counting grass clippings, I get it.
I thought the same thing, too.
Here’s the thing…
You likely eat the same thing often.
You can save your meals in the app, so it takes seconds to track them.
I’ve developed a slight obsession on how I can make small tweaks to my diet.
For example, I replaced butter with Avocado spray when I cook eggs. This saves me about 125 calories/day.
In May, I averaged 2,080 calories/day.
In June, I’m averaging 1,930/day.
I say it often, and will continue doing so until the cows come home…
You cannot improve what you do not measure.Â
When you’re ready, here are a few ways I can help you….
- Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (600+ videos)
- Take my 48 hour eBook Challenge –Â Get PAID to write and publish your own ebook. Take the Challenge Today
- Join the Create30 Challenge – Publish one Tik Tok a day. Get daily email prompts for video ideas. Stop Planning. Start Publishing