You should listen to this billionaire who walks 5 miles to work

Over the weekend, I stumbled upon a great quote.

A quote from Jack Dorsey, the co-founder of Twitter and Square.

His net worth is $12.8 BILLION, so the dude knows what he’s talking about.

Weird fact; He WALKS 5 miles to work everyday.


Here’s the quote (on entrepreneurship);

“Start now, start here, start small and keep it simple”

This really applies to all aspects of life.

Far too many sit on the sidelines and never start.

It’s sad to see.

They don’t start for a variety of reasons…

Fear of failure/judgement.

Pure laziness.

Unrealistic expectations.



Where to start?

Who to trust?

I get it, I been there myself.

Remember what I often yap about;

Create Content.

Make Offers. 

That’s online business simplified in four words.

I find creating content removes stress and anxiety.

If you need a tool to help sell more of your products or services, this is the simplest tool I’ve used.

And I’ve used a lot of them.

Most are overpriced and overwhelming to learn.

Not this one.

You can build a website AND funnel with this tool for $18/mo.

Hell you can brand the damn thing as your own as they offer a white label version.

You don’t need Clickfunnels.

Or any of the overpriced tools that these marketers try and jam down your throats.

This is the tool I would use

If you’re terrified of tech, this is the solution.

I certainly miss the simplicity of this tool.

I now use Kartra, and it’s a beast of a tool, however it’s got a lot of moving parts. It can get incredibly overwhelming.

Maybe I should listen to Jack?

I certainly think you should.

Grab a 14 day free trial of the world’s easiest funnel builder here

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Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet