A cocaine-like high

This email is not about be being locked up in a run down casino on the wrong side of Vegas.

Adam stopping by again…

A few weeks ago, I shared how I started a new Tik Tok account.

Focusing on digital products, content creator tips and mindset.

This morning, I woke up to 1,000 followers.

You need 1k followers in order to go live on Tik Tok.

I went live at 11:00 am, as I was itching to get back to it.

This is the first livestream on this account (did well over 100 in the last two years)

Something about livestreams, {first_name}.

I get a cocaine-like high while doing them.

Filled with energy and excitement (no desire for a trip to Tijuana on a Tuesday afternoon, though 😜).

Often times, I’m mentally exhausted when I turn the camera off.

Today I went for 59 minutes, with very little engagement.

With 1k followers, in the middle of the day, that’s to be expected.

It didn’t stop me, though.

I did it as if there were 1,000 people tuned in.

From experience, I know the livestream audience will grow.

And that’s the message I want to share…

I see far too many people (read: 93.2% of people) focus on like shares, views, followers, whatever on social media.

None of these metrics are going to pay your rent or mortgage.

Your bank does not accept views or followers as currency.

What you should focus on (if you don’t want to give yourself a panic attack) is things you can control.

Your outputs. 

I can’t control how many people will read this email.

Or click on the links.

Or buy something.

Or respond to them.

I CAN control if I send an email or not.

With this new Tik Tok account, I challenged myself to publish 100 videos in 30 days.

100 videos is something I control.

Today is day #21, and I published my 81st video an hour ago.

I have all my content planned and scheduled (most are recorded, and some need to be sent to my editor).

I’ll most likely publish around 110 videos by day #30.

This is something I planned from the start.

It’s the advice I give a people when starting on Tik Tok – Publish 100 videos in XX days.

This doesn’t just apply to business…

On May 3rd, I started tracking my calories.

I can’t control what the scale reads.

I can control…

…how many calories I consume/burn.

…how many times I hit the gym.

…if I go on my 30 minute daily walk

…or do my 20 minute H.I.I.T. sessions on the days I don’t lift.

Focus on your outputs. 

If it’s a blog, focus on publishing XX blog posts in XX months.

If it’s a YouTube channel, focus on publishing XX videos in XX months.

If it’s sales, focus on the number of conversations you have in a day.

Focus on your outputs. 

These are all 100% in your control.

I find this leads to greater happiness, too.

I track all this stuff on a piece of paper each week.

And been doing so for years.

I call it my Weekly Action Plan.

I track four main areas of my life;

For my mindset, I track if I read, mediate and journal.

For my health, I track if I workout, drink a green smoothie, fast for 17 hours, get 30 mins of sunlight, and in bed by 11:30.

For me relationships, I track if the kids and I eat dinner at the table, read them a bed time story and if we go on a bike ride/trip to the park or play a board/card game.

For wealth, I track how many Tik Toks I put out, emails I send out and YouTube videos I publish.

These daily disciplines add up over time.

You’re not worried (as much) about things you can’t control.

At the end of the day, it’s did you do XYZ or not? 

There’s very little wiggle room.

Speaking of control…

You could have a digital asset LIVE by the end of the weekend.

Something you own.

Something you CONTROL.

Something you can sell around the clock, 24/7/365.

Something magical happens when you generate a customer.

You start building momentum.

Momentum is another word for confidence.

And business is a confidence game.

If you write and publish your ebook in 48 hours, I will become your FIRST paying customer!

There ain’t a guarantee like this online.

Get paid to publish an ebook

Outputs > Everything else.


When you’re ready, here are a few ways I can help you….

  1. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (600+ videos)
  2. Take my 48 hour eBook Challenge – Get PAID to write and publish your own ebook. Take the Challenge Today
  3. Join the Create30 Challenge – Publish one Tik Tok a day. Get daily email prompts for video ideas. Stop Planning. Start Publishing

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