Do more of what works, RIGHT?!?

Us entrepreneurs are a weird bunch, huh?

Adam stopping by again…

I’m not sure if you can relate, but I have this big problem.

It seems laughable as I type this out.

When I find something that’s working, I tend to stop doing it.


No rhyme or reason.

If I don’t stop doing it, I tweak and tinker with it until it stops working!


I like to make my life more difficult…DUH!

In 2020, I jumped on the Tik Toks.

At the time, I was 38, and thought I was WAY TOO OLD and had NO interest in twerking to the latest Drake song.

I joined Tik Tok because a buddy of mine was experiencing hockey stick like growth on his YouTube channel.

I hit him up on the Facebooks, Thomas…what is your secret to your quick growth on YouTube?

Tik Tok“, he replied.

Damn it! I guess I have to get on Tik Tok” I wrote back.

That’s how my Tik Tok journey started.

We were in the first quarter (or a VERY long game that ended up having 17 overtimes) of the COVID shit show.

It was April 2020.

My 3rd video went viral with over a million views.

I quickly grew a following to 10,000.

My YouTube subscribers started soaring.

Leads flooded in.

My wallet got fatter.

Here was my shockingly simple content strategy:

  • 2 Tik Toks per day
  • 2 YouTube videos per week
  • 2 – 4 emails per week

That was it.

I was promoting another company’s course, so I had no fulfillment.

No customer service/support.

Some might call it Easy Street. 

Here’s the thing…

Life was a whole heck of a lot of fun.

Next to playing with the kids, cleaning out my ears after a shower and when the lady at the barber shop shaves the back of my neck…creating content is one of life’s joys that that fills me up with happiness.

I’m weird, I get that.

Whether it’s shooting off an email about me crying at church, recording a silly 15 second Tik Tok video, recording a YouTube video or writing a post on Facebook about how I struggle with confidence/imposter syndrome…

I truly do love creating content.

Last week, I was chatting with a buddy and I told him I’m in the process of building a business where content creation is 90% of my work load.

Not a calendar lit up like a Christmas tree filled with up sales calls.

Not back-to-back-to-back Zoom calls.

Not managing a team of sales people and setters.

No fucking thank you!

None of that sounds appealing or fun to me.

Creating content is fun for me.

It’s my zone of genius.

I’m getting back to what I truly enjoy — CREATING.

I recommend you do the same.

Find what lights you up.

Find the thing that you have no problem doing over and over and over again.

Maybe it’s writing an email at 12:10 AM like I’m doing now.

Maybe it’s non-stop sales calls.

Maybe it’s writing.

Or recording podcasts.

Or doing livestreams.


Find out what that is and start doing it today.

And  again tomorrow.

And repeat until you don’t like doing it anymore.

In the Internet age, we can build a business around our lifestyle.

We don’t have to do the things the Greedy Gurus tell us we have to do.

Or that there is only ONE way to do things.

You have to get on the phone to sell high ticket…is one of my favorite myths out there. I’ve had several business coaches tell me that.

All the business models work.

Yes, even MLM…just because I despise it…doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.

Find the one that works for you.

Customize it to your liking.

If you don’t like doing something, don’t do it (or outsource it to someone who does enjoy doing it).

The lesson in ALL this:

Do more of what you enjoy doing. 


When you’re ready, here are a few ways I can help you….

  1. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (600+ videos)
  2. Take my 48 hour eBook Challenge – Get PAID to write and publish your own ebook. Take the Challenge Today
  3. Join the Create30 Challenge – Publish one Tik Tok a day. Get daily email prompts for video ideas. Stop Planning. Start Publishing

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