How to become recession proof

A hockey great with a jaw-dropping quote that reminds me of the upcoming recession.

Adam stopping by again…

Ashton and I just got done playing Chutes & Ladders.

He won the first game, I won the next two.

Ava’s taking a second round of summer school as she has a slight learning disability.


This is one of my favorite quotes, from the great Wayne Gretzky;

“I skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been”

This can be applied to many aspects of life.

Especially in business.

And espcially when it comes to what is right around the corner…a recession.

My friend shared something with me this morning.

It was a comment from Justin Brooke, one of the most respected internet marketers in the world.

I’ve followed him for nearly a decade.

The guy is a brilliant marketer.

Seems to me, he’s an even better human.

Years ago, I sent him a Christmas card in the mail.

Yes, I was 100% trying to get on his good side.

Someone on the Facebooks asked this;

Ironically, my friend Audrey and I were talking about this topic the other day.

I told her lower ticket products (under $100) and a membership model is the way to go for what’s coming.

“Things that were immediately useful”

This is the part of Justin’s comment I wanted to share with you, {first_name}.

What can you create for your audience that is immediately useful?

Something they can put into action quickly and/or help them save time, money, stress, anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, embarrassment or humiliation in a matter of hours/days.

I’m a fan of short digital products.

Not a course.

Something that solves ONE problem, not an A-to-Z guide to solving world hunger.

Something they can consume AND apply right away, or like Justin says, immediately useful.

That’s why I blew the dust off my 48 Hour eBook Challenge.

This is something I created in the summer of 2020, and it got a heap of people to take fast, imperfect action.

For some reason, I haven’t been promoting it until very recently.

This is a challenge for you to write and publish your first (or next) ebook in 48 hours.

If you complete the challenge, I will become your first customer!

There ain’t a challenge like this anywhere on the internet…I checked.

Take the Challenge Today

I’ve had brand spankin’ new people to online business complete the challenge.

And I’ve had grizzled veterans complete the challenge.

Some told me that had an ebook idea for rolling around in their noggin for YEARS…and this was what finally got them to pull the trigger and get the thing published!

This ebook is more of a 20 – 40 page guide helping a specific person solve a specific problem.

This ain’t a book you publish on Amazon.

Your ebook acts as an entry point, not the final destination.

What I mean by this, is this:

It’s 5x – 12x times easier to sell to a past customer than it is to sell to a new prospect. Maybe you offer a higher ticket service, coaching and/or consulting, this ebook acts as a way to over deliver and build an immense amount of trust, so you can sell them (much easier) on your other offerings.

You do not need a high ticket product, though. You can just sell your ebook (and more ebooks or digital products, if you choose). There are a plethora of entrepreneurs who only sell lower ticket items, who make more than a doctor or lawyer online.

It’s completely up to you.

You publish this ebook in the coming days, and you can take the first step in becoming recession proof.

I’m ready to become recession proof, Adam!


When you’re ready, here are a few ways I can help you….

  1. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (600+ videos)
  2. Take my 48 hour eBook Challenge – Get PAID to write and publish your own ebook. Take the Challenge Today
  3. Join the Create30 Challenge – Publish one Tik Tok a day. Get daily email prompts for video ideas. Stop Planning. Start Publishing

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