How to Build a Sales Funnel for FREE

Imagine having your own sales force, working for you around the clock — 24/7/365.

This “mini army” of sales assassins, can communicate with the most qualified people about your product or service.

Here’s the kicker, this team of assassins…

  • Will never call in sick
  • Will not ask to take a vacation
  • Will never show up late
  • Will not cost you a penny AND work for free
  • Will never go work for your competition
  • Will not ask for benefits
  • Will ALWAYS present the perfect pitch, without fail

And this sales force will NEVER flirt with Debbie in accounting.

This is just a glimpse into the power of what a sales funnel can do for your business

Here’s the thing…

Most will lead you to believe that is involves 17 steps, moving parts and three months to map out & deploy.

Which typically leads to overwhelm, exhaustion and frequent trips to the liquor store.

I have been there.

Last week, I sat down and recorded a video on how to create a sales funnel for FREE!

Not only is it free, it’s insanely easy to set up.

Even if you’re brand new to technology, and cannot spell HTML, you can have your sales funnel up & running by the time you go to bed tonight.

100% serious.

Around here, we’re allergic to complexity, confusion and overwhelm.

When getting started, or if you’ve been in the game for a few years, creating a sales funnel can be a daunting task.

It doesn’t have to be though.

In the video below, I share how you can launch your first (or next) sales funnel for ZERO dollars and ZERO cents.

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet