There is not better time

You simply have no excuses, Adam

There is opportunity E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E.

Admittedly, I have not been good with investing for the future (stock market, IRAs, etc).

The guys over on Twitter have inspired me.

Me turning 40 in August certainly has added fuel to the fire.

As well as the Game Stop hype back in January.

I dropped some money on stocks back then.

Still holding them, so the kids these days refer to that as Diamond hands. 

Last month, I dropped $600 in crypto.

Hardly a long-term “investment strategy

A month ago, I stumbled upon a wealth building YouTube video from one of my favorite internet marketers, Miles Beckler.

He recommended an audiobook, that I picked up on Amazon.

I listen to on my daily walks.

I picked up another wealth building book on Kindle that I just finished.

Last week, my buddy Conrad recommended another wealth building book.

It came in the mail today.

After picking up Ashton from school, I relaxed in the lazy boy to read a few pages.

I have watched several YouTube videos over the last 30 days on the topic.

A month ago I knew VERY little about building wealth (read: none).

This morning, I woke up to my first automatic deposit from my bank account to my investment account (M1 Finance). I now have an automatic weekly deposit set up to work for me.

I simply can’t forget or do it next week. 

Today, I have a much better grasp on things. Still a LOT to learn.

I am educating myself with mostly free tools online, along with a couple of affordable books.

You can do this on any topic you desire from the palm of your hand.

Investing, starting a busienss, gaining confidence, building muscle, improving your relationships, learning how to cook and about any other topic you desire.

The answers to all your problems are a couple thumb clicks on your mobile device.

There is no better time to be alive.

Our grandparents would kill for this opportunity.

Don’t take this for granted.

Go out there and leverage this vast amount of knowledge to your advantage.

It’s wasteful not to.

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Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet